Just got this one in an email today, Adobe Security Updates at adobe-updates.net (DO NOT VISIT malicious payload of malware ) Adobe are warning customers about a series of scam E-Mails claiming to offer a bogus update to it’s Adobe Reader software. The senders claim to be genuine Adobe Reader Support representatives in the E-Mail but the supposed “patch” contains a malicious payload of malware. The email looks like this:
A critical vulnerability has been identified in Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Reader.
Adobe recommends users of Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader update to last versions, learn now more.This Site also explains the importance of nerc compliance and how to prevent a cyberattack.
Download Updates
You may use the Adobe Download Manager to seamlessly install your software.
*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply ***
Copyright © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved
In the email above we removed the links to the evil website with strikethroughs. Adobe have stated in their news bulletin that updates are only available via the official Adobe Reader download page and not from any other source. For many cyber security options, people can check email security companies and get best services from them! I found one of the best Ergonomic Desks your my computer system.
If you have opened this email and went to the website get your computer guy to check your computer and or network for malicious software. You can look for Fortinet and learn more about network security.